Tuesday, 2 February 2016


If you had said to me at the beginning of 2015 that I would be a book blogger, I would have laughed at you. I had been thinking of starting a blog for about 18 months, but just didn't have the confidence or know how on how to set one up and I was so worried that it wouldn't look professional enough, that I put it to the back of my mind.

Then one cold night in February 2015 my son Adam picked up my laptop and said "Come on Mum, let's set up your blog"!! and the rest they say is history!

I couldn't have got this far either without my lovely book buddy Julie Williams, who is a much faster reader than me and is always there when I get myself in a pickle and need help with reviews! so thank you Julie, you are a life saver! 

Also the many bloggers who have given me advice, friendship, laughs (not to mention a few drunken book launch evenings!!). There are too many to mention, but I hope you know who you are! 

I still cannot believe that I have my own blog that has had over 11,000 pageviews in it's first year, but that is what has happened to me and I cannot be more thankful.

Also thank you to all the lovely authors and publishers who have sent me books to review and sometimes lovely surprises. It makes my day to receive book post.

I have some competitions coming up soon to celebrate my first blogaversary, but in the meantime I would like to raise a glass to Boon's Bookcase first year and here's to many more!!!


  1. Huge Congtatulations I love your blog may it continue for years & years to come.
    Thank you for the mention but it is my pleasure to guest review for you xxx

  2. Happy Blogaversary Julie - here's to many more!

  3. Happy blogaversary. Love yours and Julie's reviews.

    I need your son to set me up on a blog.

  4. Happy blog birthday. I had no idea you had only been blogging for a year. You have a great blog.

  5. Thank you Anne that's lovely of you to say! xx
