Thursday, 24 December 2015

I just want to take this opportunity to send you a little Christmas message (I sound like the Queen). It's been one heck of a year for me since starting my blog in February! I have a lot of things lined up for the new year including competitions, book events, reviews, blog tours etc. 

Thank you to all the publishers who very kindly sent me books to review and also to the lovely Bloggers, who without their help and friendship, I would not have been able to get as far on my Blog as I have! and finally to my very dear book friend Julie Williams, who has saved my bacon on more than one occasion by reading and reviewing books when I just can't fit it in! Thank you. I look forward to our trips to book launches together and our monthly meet up to discuss all things books!! 

It just leaves me to say I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, I hope Santa brings you everything you want (hopefully a few more books!!). 

God Bless. 


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