
Thursday 11 April 2024

 Queen of Diamonds


Beezy Marsh

London, 1922.
 Orphan girl Alice dreams there's more to life than toiling long hours in Pink's jam factory. Inspired by stories about the legendary Queen of Thieves, Mary Carr, who terrorised the streets of Victorian London, Alice decides to set up her own gang: The Forty Thieves.

Sly seamstress Kate Felix from Whitechapel has the same plan and will stop at nothing to keep Alice and her pals off her turf in the West End shops. But Alice is determined to win at all costs, hitting the headlines as the Bob-Haired Bandit.

It isn't long before they make some powerful enemies, and Alice must sacrifice more than she ever thought if she is to become Queen of Diamonds.

But the toughest and most beautiful diamonds are formed under pressure.


This is the third in the series about the infamous Alice Diamond and we also learn about Mary Carr and how her life intertwines with Alice. 

Kate Felix is from Whitechapel and also wants to be top dog, so can she and Alice ever become friends?

This is yet another fabulous story about the life of "hoisters" from South East London and how they pray on top notch department stores to steal fur coats, silk clothing etc to order and sell on at a fraction of the cost. This can be a dangerous way of life, especially if you were caught, but Alice and her followers try every trick in the book to escape that!

Another fabulous story from the lovely Beezy Marsh. I really can't get enough of these books and will wait eagerly for the next one!

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