
Thursday 23 June 2016

You Had Me at Merlot
Lisa Dickenson

Guest Review 
Julie Williams


You Had Me At Merlot makes for a great summer holiday read with gorgeous surroundings, romance and wine flowing throughout. It took me back to my own special memories of a holiday in Italy where I also visited the wonderful cities of Pisa and Florence; I especially loved Ponte Vecchio with its jewellers stretching over the bridge – oh yes and the gelato!

The story is centred on Elle and her friend Laurie who are the last of their group to be single which is fine by Elle as she is completely comfortable living her life without a man by her side. Laurie, however, decides she wants to settle down so she books a singles holiday at Bella Notte in Tuscany for them both. 

There’s horror and laughter when Elle’s boss unexpectedly arrives and she adds to the interesting characters Lisa has created in this tale. Talking if characters every holiday should have a Jamie!

This is my first book by Lisa Dickenson but won’t be my last as I just loved this read from start to finish and it certainly has got me the mood for summer.

I had the pleasure of meeting Lisa at a book event in London and she is a lovely woman who spared her time for a nice chat and signed my book.

Thank you as always to Julie for allowing me to review on her blog.

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